
Shaggie: Letters from Prison

Janis Cole

1990, 12:00 minutes, colour, English

TAPECODE 2162.04

Known as Shaggie to her friends, Marlene Moore's final struggle in life began with a mid-eighties trial that branded her Canada's first female 'Dangerous Offender', allowing her to be locked up indefinitely. She had already spent most of her life behind bars from the age of twelve. Cole met Shaggie when she made P4W and bases her film on letters the two wrote over their years of fiiendship. Moore never received the mental health support she needed and was treated harshly in the prison system. She died by suicide at the Prison for Women at the young age of 31.

Part of NFB's Studio D "Five Feminist Minutes".

Rental and Sales

Single Screening Rental


Educational Purchase DVD (Bluray +$15)


5 Year Educational Streaming License, Digital File with DVD Circulation Copy


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Institutional Archival Acquisition, complete Media Request form for quote

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Critical Writing

Janis Cole and Holly Dale's Cinema of Marginality
by Kay Armatage. North of Everything: English-Canadian Cinema Since 1980, 2002. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 2002.