“Modelled on the soap opera format, this four-part series follows a young single mother who's on welfare. It has been said that Gloria depicts a crisis of language, as she lacks the ability to speak on her own behalf. Thus she must rely on the words of others - those in positions of authority within her life: her father, her social worker, doctors, judges, etc. - to construct her circumstances into a form of communication that is about her and not for her. I think this is only part of Gloria, however, because in spite of the escalating catastrophes that befall her, Gloria reveals her ability to literally get hold of the language that has been oppressing her. First through repetition and retelling and finally by "breaking the silence" of her own painful childhood, she shows herself to be capable of surviving and changing.” L.S.
Rental and Sales
Single Screening Rental | $240.00 |
Educational Purchase DVD (Bluray +$15) | $260.00 |
5 Year Educational Streaming License, Digital File with DVD Circulation Copy | $550.00 |
Gallery Exhibition and Installation, complete Media Request form for quote | |
Institutional Archival Acquisition, complete Media Request form for quote |
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Screening and exhibition rentals and archival acquisitions include public performance rights; educational purchases or licenses include rights for classroom screenings and library circulation. When placing an order the customer agrees to our general online terms and conditions. Payment (or a purchase order number) and a signed licensing agreement must be received before media can be shipped to the client.
Critical Writing
by . Lisa Steele: The Conceptual Anthropology of Narrative Works, 1976-1982, 2010. Toronto: Vtape, 2010.
by . The Globe and Mail, Feb. 19, 2005.
by . The Governor General's Awards in Visual and Media Arts 2005, 2005. Toronto: Canada Council for the Arts, 2005.
by . Toronto: YYZ Books, 1996.
by . YYZ Books, McGill University, 1995.
by . Now, Nov. 9, 1989, v. 9, no. 10.
by and . 4 Hours and 38 Minutes, 1989. Toronto: Art Gallery of Ontario, 1989.
by . Video Guide, Sept. 1986, v. 8, no. 3.
by . North of Everything: English Canadian Cinema Since 1980, 1980. University of Alberta Press, 1980.