
...the 400 series...

Leslie Peters

1999, 35:28 minutes, colour, English

TAPECODE 537.011

...the 400 series... is a series of short experimental videos consisting of footage shot on the 400 series expressways and connecting highways across Ontario, Canada. The series is based on movement and the state of the 'between'. Driving exists between destination and time. Video is the moving vehicle that expresses these concepts. The act of driving itself is representative of the inherent qualities of video. Video as movement both visually and aurally, mimics the passage of time, the most abstract form of movement. In addition to the theory of the between and the aesthetic of the road itself, my passion is the actual driving experience and the endless emotional possibilities linked to this experience. ...the 400 series... is an expression, in brief moments, of various states of mind and moods experienced while on the road

1. 401:01 (1998) 1:30 mins
2. DVP:01 (1998) 1:00 mins
3. 407:02 (1999) 3:20 mins
4. for ever more (1999) 2:30 mins
5. thinking of you (1999) 3:00 mins
6. more and more (1999) 3:30 mins
7. precious memories (1999) 3:15 mins
8. loved and lost (1999)
9. westbound (1999)
10. 407:01 (1999) 3:00 mins
11. drift (1999) 3:00 mins
12. cheatin' heart (1999) 3:30 mins

Please note: This is a compilation of individual tapes.

Rental and Sales

Single Screening Rental


Educational Purchase DVD (Bluray +$15)


5 Year Educational Streaming License, Digital File with DVD Circulation Copy


Gallery Exhibition and Installation, complete Media Request form for quote

Institutional Archival Acquisition, complete Media Request form for quote

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Critical Writing

Unravelling The Grid/"Substitute City" at the Power Plant
by Andy Fabo. C Magazine, Summer 2001, no. 70.