V tape Compilation Tape 2
Working Emergency by Sharon Sliwinski, 18 minutes, 2000
Good Advice bon consejos by Ruben Guzman, 9 minutes, 1999
Ritual by Ruben Guzman, 3:30 minutes 1999
Dear Mom and Dad by Sharon Sliwinski, 6 minutes, 2000
Bang Bang by Libby Hague, 4:30 minutes, 2001
Forever Young by Benny Nemerofsky Ramsay, 5 minutes, 2001
Snowjob by Andrew James Paterson, 3 minutes, 2001
A Spoonful of Sugar by Ian Jarvis, 3:30 minutes, 2001
CRASHBANGSMASH by Gunilla Josephson, 3:30 minutes, 2001
Hello Ingmar, Have You Seen Me? by Gunilla Josephson, 10 minutes, 2000
Body Burden by France Queyras, 16 minutes, 2001
a place in her own direction by Kevin D*Souza, 7 minutes, 2000
Covering by Belinda Small, 7:50 minutes, 2000
Breakbabies by Nicole Chung, 2000, 5 minutes
Je Changerais D'avis by Benny Nemerofsky Ramsay, 4 minutes, 2000
Tutifruti: Life & Times in Patagonia by John Orentlicher, 13 minutes, 2001
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