Vtape preview compilation 1
TAPECODE 3087.01
Kevin by Monique Moumblow (365.06) 2002, 8:30
Dream Machine by Nicole Chung & Jamie Phelan (588.05) 2002, 9:30
looking back to see by Sarah Abbot (333.01) 2001, 19:30
Shameless Transmission of Desired Transformations per day
By Mahmoud Hojeij (648.01) 2000, 25:00
Karma 2000 by Karma Clarke Davis (614.05) 2000, 5:40
December 31, 2000 by Johanna Householder & B.H. Yael (919.02) 2001, 7:20
D.S.T. by Zev Asher (624.02) 2001, 6:00
Static Discharge [ for Bleeding Eyes ] by Jowita Kepa (668.00) 2001 2:00
Jeremy Drummond 2001 compilation (653)
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