Tiuré Potiguara
Born in 1949, Tiuré is a Potiguara Indian from Brazil who works primarily in photography and film. He has spent the last twenty years producing documentaries, mainly on Native communities in the Amazon and in the north-east of Brazil. He has participated in Indigenous film festivals in Canada, Mexico, and the United States. In the summer of 1991, he was accepted as a political refugee in Canada. He is currently working on a series of photographs of native people in urban environments.
Né en 1949 au Bresil, Tiuré Potiguaro est un indien Potiguara dont les champs d'intérêts artistiques sont principalement le film et la photographie. Durant les 20 dernières années, il a réalisé des documentaires sur les communautés aborigènes de l'Amazonie et kdu nord-est du Brésil. Ses oeuvres ont été présentées dans des festivals de films aborigènes au Canada, au Mexique et aux États-Unis. Le Canada lui a conféré le statut de réfugié politique en 1991. Il travaille actuellement à une série de photographies sur la vie des autochtones en milieu urbain.
The Banff Centre Community Residency in Winter 1993, brought together a group of 40 artists whose work and prespective had in common a relationship to social and community issues. The artists were involved in four different projects: Second Decade: AIDS, Community and Television; Pauktuutit: a pan-arctic Inuit Women's collective dealing with social issues: A New Generation an Old Culture: Japanese-Canadian artists dealing with notiions of heritage, culture and identity and Mekarôn: a collective of visual artists addressing issues of langauge and communication in an inter-ethnic context. Mekarôn compilation represents the 8 short pieces produced by the collective.
Artist Code: 131
1993, 37:48 minutes, colour/B&W
1993, 05:37 minutes, colour, B&W