
Yota Kobayashi

Yota Kobayashi is a composer born in Nagoya, Japan, in 1980. He moved to Vancouver in Canada in 2000 and has studied music composition and technology with Barry Truax at Simon Fraser University and Dr. Keith Hamel at the University of British Columbia.

In Vancouver, he currently teaches computer music composition and sound design courses at Langara College. Also at the University of British Columbia, he is pursuing his doctoral study in composition and conducting a research on “musical affordance in human–computer interactive performances.” His research has been funded by the federal agency in Canada, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), through Master’s fellowship in 2011-12 and Doctoral fellowship in 2012-15.

Among his award include Musica Nova (1st prizes in 2008 and 2009, Czech Republic), Concorso Internazionale Luigi Russolo (1st prize in 2010, Italy/France), Prix Jue de Temp/Times Play Awards (2nd prize 2009 and 3rd prize 2006, Canada).



2012, 11:50 minutes, colour