Phyllis Waugh
Phyllis Waugh is the Equity Representative on the Steering Committee of the Rainbow Health Network (RHN), a volunteer-run organization which is a founding partner of Rainbow Health Ontario. In addition, as Chair of the RHN Education Committee, Phyllis has developed and presented workshops for health and social service workers on LGBTQ access issues. She has also built connections with diverse communities through RHN’s Anti-Racism / Anti-Oppression initiative.
Phyllis’ hospital work experience includes six years coordinating the volunteer program at Toronto Western Hospital (TWH), from 2001-2007. She was a member of the TWH Diversity Council and was Chair of the 2007 Rainbow Pride subcommittee. She received the 2006 Champion of Diversity Award.
A long-time activist in social justice movements, Phyllis has worked on issues including sexual orientation and gender identity, labour, women’s equality, and anti-racism. She has a Master of Fine Arts degree from York University.
Artist Code: 212
1988, 35:00 minutes, colour, English
I Didn't Know It Had A Name (Esto No Tiene Nombre)
1984, 35:00 minutes, colour, Eng., Spanish
1984, 12:00 minutes, colour, English
Our Choice, A Tape About Teenage Mothers
1983, 37:00 minutes, colour, English