Zainub Verjee
Zainub Verjee is a writer, video artist and curator. She was a cofounder of In Visible Colours: An International Film and Video Festival for Women of Colour and Third World Women. She has been on various art boards, was the Director at the Western Front and is currently the Media Arts Officer at the Canada Council.
Artist Code: 313
Ecoute s'il pleut (Listen if it's Raining)
1993, 07:34 minutes, colour, French/English
Critical Writing
Time, Space & Realities
by . Toronto: A Space (Artists Space), 1995.
by . Toronto: A Space (Artists Space), 1995.
The Colours of Culture: Film and Video by Artists of Colour
by . Parallèlogramme, 1992, v. 17, no. 4.
by . Parallèlogramme, 1992, v. 17, no. 4.