Liz Rosch
Liz Rosch has been working with video as a means to an end for eight years. Starting in television production, she was gradually seduced by video as an art form. She graduated from the Ontario College of Art in 1994. Upon graduation she was awarded the Lieutenant - Governor's Medal for her accomplishments in video and audio production. Her works have been featured in the Venice Biennale for architecture and most recently the New York International Film and Video Festival. Liz's work has been broadcast on the Women's Television Network and is in the collection of Trinity Square Video and Papa Bear Productions, British Columbia.
Artist Code: 387
1998, 08:28 minutes, colour, English
1998, 26:48 minutes, colour, English
Prepare For The Planets' Alignment
1997, 05:20 minutes, colour, English
1995, 05:00 minutes, B&W
I Don't Want To Sound Offensive
1994, 04:30 minutes
1994, 04:30 minutes, colour
Does That Make Me a Bad Person?
1994, 15:00 minutes, colour, English
1993, 04:00 minutes, colour, English
1993, 04:00 minutes, B&W
1993, 04:00 minutes, colour