Sharon Stevens
Sharon is an award winning activist, an award winning video artist, a community organizer and juggles two half time jobs; Info-Active Coordinator for The Arusha Centre and Community Liaison for Alderman Joe Ceci at City Hall. Born High River. Alberta, Sharon has been a practicing media artist since 1989. She shares her skills and philosophy at video production workshops for youth and women’s groups. She has integrated art, activism, feminism, and social justice into her life, and still has fun.
Sharon Stevens has been an independent video producer since 1989 and is committed to production values that include collective process and a feminist analysis. She has made a dozen collaborative and solo videos in as many years, and has received two Alberta Motion Picture Industry (AMPIA) nominations, winning one in 1996 for her documentary, Doodlebugs: the Video. Sharon’s work has been broadcast on WTN and screened at various festivals across Canada.
Sharon has served on boards for artist-run centres in Calgary including a six year commitment volunteering for herland feminist film and video festival and co-founder for herland’s InCamera Film/Video Production Workshop. Currently she is on the Folk Music Festival Board and the Alberta Media Arts Alliance and has served on two Steering Committees for the Calgary Arts Development Authority.
Community celebrations, performance art, installations, net-based art have been the focus of Sharon's art practise over the last three years. LA Bridge Party, ID Collective, and OX: A Crash Course on Loving Calgary are all examples of her community engagement through the arts.
Artist Code: 841
1994, 30:00 minutes, colour, English