Sharon Hyman
Sharon Ann Hyman completed both her Bachelor of Arts in Communications and her Master of Arts in Educational Technology at Concordia University in Montreal. During that time, she had two videos works, 4 Girls/4Visions 1988 and Naomi and Sharon 1992, appear in the student division of the The Montreal World Film Festival/Festival des Films du Monde.
Ms. Hyman was involved with the field of community television for over a decade, as the former co-host of Teenage Life and as the creator, producer and host of her own long-running series Between the Sexes (both shown on CF Cable TV in Montreal throughout the eighties).
As a graduate student, she examined the origins of community television in Canada (where the genre originated) and conducted her own research on the topic. This resulted in the completion of a Master's thesis entitled The Production and Evaluation of a Community Television Series Aimed at Promoting Social Learning and Attitude Change.
Ms. Hyman's commitment to providing a truly alternative voice for individuals and communities continues to permeate her on-going work as an independent artist and filmmaker. At present, she is completing her screenplay for Arousal, which will mark her debut as the director of a fictional dramatic work. Production for this tale of the hidden begins in the Summer of 1996.
Artist Code: 511
1996, 28:00 minutes, colour, English