David Deleary
David DeLeary is an Ojibway from the Walpole Island First Nation Reserve in southern Ontario and he has been working in the music industry for a number of years as a composer, producer and performer. Combining a solid background in contemporary pop music, intertribal music, computerized sound design and classical composition, David’s own work brings all these sensibilites to bear in projects ranging from alternative rock productions to theatrical sound design and television scoring. Recently completed projects include music and sound design for the Sheatre company’s children’s musical "Pterodactyl Delight", producing, in partnership with Cool Native Productions, the first television drama ever produced in the Ojibway language "The Strange Case of Bunny Weequod", the theme for "All My Relations", a CBC television series; "Spirits In Purgatory", a contemporary dance piece for the E’nowkin Centre; and the score for the Native Earth production of playwright Drew Hayden Taylor’s comedy "Baby Blues".
At the present time David is beginning to work on a couple of projects. One of these is an album by his current band "Heap Big" and the other is an album of "neon-traditional" intertribal songs. Neon-traditional could be defined as the mixture of modern musical technologies into the traditional style of singing and drumming that is found on intertribal songs.
Artist Code: 535
Child To Child - A New Approach to Health Education for Native Children
1996, 13:08 minutes, colour, English