Tauni Ngatai-Sinclair
An Indigenous person from Aotearoa, also known as New Zealand in the Southern Hemisphere. Aotearoa is a country of two large Islands, approximately 66 million acres, with a population of approximately 4 million. Just under 500,000 people are of Indigenous Maori descent. The rest of the population are immigrants predominantly from Europe. Aotearoa was colonised by the British Empire.
Tauni was born into one of the largest tribes in Aotearoa, the Ngati Porou Tribe, on the shores of the East Coast of the North Island. The place was an old whaling station named by Ngati Porou as Waipiro Bay (drunken waters) due to the whalers binges...
Tauni is one of 13 children, 6 boys and seven girls.
Tauni is married to Moana Sinclair and they have two girls, Toni-Jayne & Tasha-Moana.
He has been active in Maori land issues for many years, inheriting tribal lands on the East Coast from two Uncles. An active advocate for Maori and youth in National Maori politics, University and student politics and International politics.
He has travelled to several countries in support of Indigenous Peoples and given papers on Indigenous peoples lands and sea, including the Draft Declaration of Indigenous Peoples, the Permanent Forum for Indigenous Peoples and Intellectual and Cultural property rights of Indigenous Peoples. Countries attended are Taiwan, Tasmania, Australia, Fiji, Peru, Chile, Switzerland, Sweden, France.
At present practicing criminal Law, land, cultural and intellectual property law and issues in Auckland city. Attends United Nations advocating for Maori.
Artist Code: 669
1998, 52:00 minutes, colour, English & Maori, with English subtitles