The Black Clothing of Things
Border Crossings, Spring 1995, v. 14, no. 2, pp. 22-27
This article discusses the prevalence and importance of linking death with photography. It starts with a general overview of philosophical tributes to photography as death , then lists works as they involve and promote these very theories.
By the end we are pseudo authorities on the theme and are then brought to the headlining show at the Musee d'art Contemporain: Andres Serrano's series, 'The Morgue.' By examining his works as Neoclassical tributes his photographs take on a clear, ordered and academic quality. The author concludes by failing to identify Serrano's artistic goals, but widely acknowledges the viewer's desire (goal?) to be challenged by the image of death.
ITEM 1995.090 – available for viewing in the Research Centre
Videos, Artworks and Artists Cited
Granny's Is (1989-1990) – David Larcher
Memories from the Department of Amnesia (1990) – Janice Tanaka
L'Instant et la patience (1994) – Bernard Emond
Paul Wong
Murder Research (1977) – Kenneth Fletcher
Murder Research (1977) – Andres Serrano
The Morgue – Jeffrey Silverstone
The Woman Who Died in Her Sleep (1972-1974)