Wanda Koop: In Your Eyes
In Your Eyes. book two, 2001, pp. 1-18
St. Norbert: St. Norbert Arts Centre, 2001
This essay grapples with Wanda Koop's reconciliation, experience, memory and notion of home . Known more as a painter than as a videographer, Koop utilizes film and video as forms of documentation. On a trip to the Ukraine and the Crimea with her mother, husband and sister, she documents her old haunts on film, then marries painting with video to tell tale of her experience. This article not only gives the reader a background into Koop's formative years as an artist, but also delves into her personal life as she developed ideas and concepts of home and translated them into artworks.
ITEM 2001.073 – available for viewing in the Research Centre
Videos, Artworks and Artists Cited
In Your Eyes – Wanda Koop