Critical Writing Index

Mathew Gansallo

by Mathew Gansallo and Beryl Graham

Curating New Media, 2002, pp. 61-81

Gateshead: B. Read, 2002

This seminar examines the institutional role in commissioning and showing Questions pertaining to major changes undertaken by the systems of art due to the advent of new media are addressed, such as: how can web-artists raise the profile of the autonomous artistic project vis-a-vis heavily marketed entertainment products? Is it possible to genuinely bring together spheres of e-commerce and the fine art economy to create web-art? Has digital art created a particualr type of visual dialogue among users on the Net? Has this created an art Net-community that can be called a movement or school? Are there important relations between Web-art and video art and other multi-media forms?

ITEM 2002.112 – available for viewing in the Research Centre

Videos, Artworks and Artists Cited

Uncomfortable ProximityHarwood@Mongre

La Match de CouleurSimon Patterson