STEELE - TOMCZAK: Trouble Tracked to the Depths of the Body
Lisa Steele - Kim Tomczak, 2003, pp. 57-71
Toronto: Pleasure Dome, 2003
This catalogue essay descrbes the work of video artist Lisa Steele and
Kim Tomczak, since they began working together in 1983. The subjects
of the body and contemporary corporeality, youth and anxiety,
interrogative art practices, and physical contingencies of the body
are discussed by the author. The "grammar" and style of Steele and
Tomczak are also described as always leading to the creation of work
that questions, and poses challenges for the audience.
ITEM 2003.047 – available for viewing in the Research Centre
Videos, Artworks and Artists Cited
Legal Memory – Lisa Steele
Legal Memory – Kim Tomczak
Working the Double Shift – Lisa Steele
Working the Double Shift – Kim Tomczak
...bump in the night – Lisa Steele
...bump in the night – Kim Tomczak
In the Dark – Lisa Steele
In the Dark – Kim Tomczak