Critical Writing Index

Art that's inside the box (set)

by Sarah Milroy

The Globe and Mail, Aug. 18, 2005, pp. R1-2

Milroy reviews the career of Vera Frenkel which coincides with the release of Frenkel's new DVD set. Frenkel reflects on her love of artiface, and her interest in the creation of the real from fiction. Milroy concludes that Frenkel is work is ever shifting, and a conversation with the artist is never closed.

ITEM 2005.149 – available for viewing in the Research Centre

Videos, Artworks and Artists Cited

The Secret Life of Cornelia Lumsden: A Remarkable StoryVera Frenkel

This Is Your Messiah SpeakingVera Frenkel

The Last Screening Room: A ValentineVera Frenkel

The Institute or What We Do For LoveVera Frenkel