Critical Writing Index

VIDEO 84: Oppositional Aesthetics

by Karen Henry

Video Guide, Winter 1985, v. 7, no. 1, p. 6

This essay discusses the exhibition Video 84 and its accomplishments; an international festival of tapes, a colloquium on the inability of the movement to define itself, and a major exhibition of video installations with the cooperation of eight different galleries in Montreal.

ITEM 1985.008 – available for viewing in the Research Centre

Videos, Artworks and Artists Cited

PlateForme VIdeoMiguel Raymond

Michael Jaffrenou

Dalibor Martinis

Deja VuIngo Gunther

Chambres a LouerBarbara Steinman


Are You Afraid of V ideo?Servaas


Nam Jun Paik

PM MagazineDara Birnbaum

ExposeGeneral Idea

Phillipe Poloni

Ohio at GivernyMary Lucier

A Las Cinco de la TardeMaryJo LaFontaine