Critical Writing Index


by Robert F. Reid-Pharr

Fuse, Winter 1992, v. 16, no. 2, pp. 40-41

A look at the programming of the 6th New York Lesbian and Gay Experimental Film Festival and its focus on "experimental Blackness." Reid-Pharr discusses the issues and implications involved in programming a festival focusing on a specific culture and the importance to consider the "basic questions about the practice of progressive multiculturalism."

ITEM 1992.049 – available for viewing in the Research Centre

Videos, Artworks and Artists Cited

DerringdesnibelungensiegfriedstodvolsungasagaeddaJack Waters

DerringdesnibelungensiegfriedstodvolsungasagaeddaPeter Cramer

Black BodyThomas Harris

Potluck and the PassionCheryl Dunye

Rage and DesireRuppert Gabriel

Ebbo for EleguaRaul Ferrera-Belanquet

I Never Danced the Way Girls Were Supposed ToDawn Suggs

Slap RapCarlo Carmona

Mother's HandsVejan Smith

A Cosmic Demonstration of SexualityShari Frilot