"Habits" by YYZ, Toronto: Invitation To A Screening
Cinema Canada, July 1986, no. 132, pp. 26-27
A review of the exhibition Habits which includes five videotapes produced by Toronto-area artists, Gary Kibbins,Clive Robertson, John Greyson, Richard Fung, and Colin Campbell. Shared themes taken up in work by these five artists' works includes social injustice, repression, alienation and stereotyping.
ITEM 1986.008 – available for viewing in the Research Centre
Videos, Artworks and Artists Cited
Henry Kissinger won the Nobel Peace Prize – Gary Kibbins
Qu'est ce qu'un homme peut faire? – Clive Robertson
Moscow Does Not Believe in Queers – John Greyson
Chinese Characters – Richard Fung
No Voice Over – Colin Campbell