Private Eyes: a review by Elizabeth Schroder
Fuse, Summer 1987, v. 10, no. 2, pp. 37-38
A review and summary of the video Private Eyes by Lisa Steele and Kim Tomczak. The piece deals with the public vs. the private, and sexuality. In short, the piece is about a takeover of the Canadian Gallery of Art by corporate sponsors. It follows a newsreporter, Kellie Marlow, as she reports on the gallery take-over. In the end, Kellie re-evaluates what the arts are really about. Schroder quotes video artists Steele and Tomzcak in discussing the work's intent to challenge the trend towards privatization of public instututions.
ITEM 1987.044 – available for viewing in the Research Centre
Videos, Artworks and Artists Cited
Private Eyes – Lisa Steele
Private Eyes – Kim Tomczak