Video News
Fuse, Nov. 1988, v. 12, no. 3, p. 12
This is a supplement that Kim Tomczak wrote for Fuse regarding the latest news and developments in this exciting art form. The latest information on video for Nov 1988. This issue's highlights include:
Video Artists Sara Diamond and Gary Kibbins have curated a three programme show of recent Canadian video...
Entries are now being accepted for the 19th annual competition of the National Educational Film and Video Festival...
NAMAC (National Alliance of Media Centres) is an American service organization...
A large Survey shows of recent Canadian video tapes entitled Video: New Canadian Narrative opened at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City. Curated by Barbara London....
The Alliance is a national organization of more than 40 groups engaged in the production, exhibition and distribution of independent film and video...
ITEM 1988.071 – available for viewing in the Research Centre
Videos, Artworks and Artists Cited
The Bisexual Kingdom – Elizabeth Schroder
Lettre a un amant – Marc Paradis
The Story of Red – Rodney Werden
Censored: The Business of Frightened Desires – Vera Frenkel
Accessory Transit Company – Jorge Lozano
Amherst – Jim MacSwain
Frankly, Shirley – Margaret Moores
The Survival of the Delirious – Andy Fabo
Ati Atihan – Marlin Oliveros
Histoire Infame – Nicole Giguere
Holy Joe – Joe Sarahan