Critical Writing Index

Video Primer: A Series of 5 Video Programs: Masquerade

by Michelle Jacques

Video Primer, 2002, p. 6

Toronto: Art Gallery of Ontario, 2002

The article describes the tendency for some artists to masquerade for the camera, using costumes, make-up and performance to create the guise of a new identity in order to challenge the viewer's normal assumptions, and criticize various social conventions. Works by Colin Campbell, Karma Clarke-Davis, Ana Rewakowicz, Martha Wilson, and Mindy Faber are cited and explained as examples.

ITEM 2002.141 – available for viewing in the Research Centre

Videos, Artworks and Artists Cited

Culver City LimitsColin Campbell

Master F there are people whoKarma Clarke-Davis

Sweet or Salty (Madonna's Poor DaysAna Rewakowicz

Appearance as ValueMartha Wilson

Identity CrisisMindy Faber