An Emergency of Passion
Diane Borsato, Sept. 16, 2006, pp. 3-6
This article draws thematic links between Borsato's older work Moving the weeds around and her more recent work Police. Displacement is the link. In this case displacement is not an aggressive contrast. It organically comes into being. This process of becoming is what is startling about the work. Her form is a suitable vehicle for her theme of undermining repressive societal norms with the use of affection, passion, curiosity and beauty.
ITEM 2006.057 – available for viewing in the Research Centre
Videos, Artworks and Artists Cited
Police – Diane Borsato
Mannequin Impossible – Diane Borsato
Moving the weeds around – Diane Borsato
Museum – Diane Borsato
Artifacts in my mouth – Diane Borsato
Touching 1000 people – Diane Borsato
The Embroidery Bandit – Diane Borsato
Parliament – Diane Borsato
The Revolution of Everyday Life – Diane Borsato