The (fetishistic) cut
"(Mary, Mary) Are these the hands that cut?", 2006, pp. 23-32
Toronto: Pleasure Dome, 2006
The videos dealing with censorship shown at a benefit for Glad Day Bookshop are explored. They strategically use the edit to expose what might lie beyond the physicality of the medium, beyond the physical splice, as a metaphorical challenge. When what is culturally sanctioned as disgust or taboo is refuted or opposed, the censor is forced to reveal the meaning behind ‘the cut’- an empty referral of the disgusting threat.
ITEM 2006.069 – available for viewing in the Research Centre
Videos, Artworks and Artists Cited
Snip Snip – Colin Campbell, Rodney Werden
1000 Comeshots – Wayne Yung
True Inversions – Lorna Boschman
Glennda and Camille Do Downtown – Glenn Belverio