Recovery- Romeo Gongara
Romeo Gongara Recovery, 2006, pp. 1-3
Toronto: Gallery 44 Centre for Contemporary Photography, 2006
Romeo Gongora’s videos Fort Da (Ooo, Aaa) and Fratrie shown at Gallery 44 from Nov. 4 to Dec. 3 2006 deal with personal subjectivity, psychoanalysis, immigration, and family conflict. Fratrie is a photomontage of still images and video, exploring a changing brother- sister relationship influenced by immigration and assimilation. Fort Da (Ooo, Aaa) is a playful and disturbing piece based on Siegmund Freud’s Ooo, Da experiment.
ITEM 2006.053 – available for viewing in the Research Centre
Videos, Artworks and Artists Cited
Fort Da (Ooo, Aaa) – Romeo Gongora
Fratrie – Romeo Gongora