"Video Acts" at P.S. 1 - New York
Art in America, Apr. 2003, v. 91, no. 4, pp. 140-141
Review of the exhibition Video Acts in New York, featuring now prominent video artists in their early days. The bulk of the works date from the 1970s and allow for audiences to see the now eminent artists’ consistency in their themes and interests. Featured artists include Bill Viola, Bruce Nauman and Vito Acconci, among others.
ITEM 2003.014 – available for viewing in the Research Centre
Videos, Artworks and Artists Cited
Matthew Barney
Pipilotti Rist
Bill Viola
Bruce Nauman
William Wegman
Vito Acconci
Richard Serra
Light/Dark (1997) – Abramovic & Ulay
AAA-AAA (1978) – Abramovic & Ulay
Imponderdelia (1976) – Abramovic & Ulay
Rest Energy (1980) – Abramovic & Ulay
Valie Export
Karen Finley
Ron Athey