Plurimedia and the snr of s+r: v7
Poolside, 2005, pp. 51-65
Winnepeg: Video Pool Inc., 2005
This article is about the Plurimedia and the snr of s+r: v7, a festival of sound that was held at Video Pool Inc. in 2005. This exhibition featured the work of over 75 international artists and curators.
ITEM 2005.166 – available for viewing in the Research Centre
Videos, Artworks and Artists Cited
Nicole Gingras
Erdem Helvacioglu
Ricardo Dal Farra
Jason Kahn
Ken Gregory
Peter Courtemanche
Curtis Walker
Peter Votava
Dominique Skoltz
Herman Kolgan
Peter Brotzmann
Marino Pliakas
Michael Wertmuller
Chris Bryan
Kim Cascone
Jurgen Heckel
Taylor Dupree
Pierre-Andre Arcand
Clive Holden
Peter Courtemanche
Raylene Campbell
Anna Fritz
Annabelle Chvostek
Peter Cusak