Queering Sex and Love: Queer Here videos preache free love but make it really unappealing
NOW, Jan. 17, 2008, v. 27, no. 20, p. 66
Leah Sandals reviews part one of a three part curatorial series at VTape "focusing on redefining queer love." Through a variety of video work by Doug Ischar, Deirdre Logue, Akram Zatari, Silvia Gruner and others, curator John Paul Ricco hopes to "voice the unavowable gap between desire and images that is the space of love" and "make a queer antinormativity that does not look back to domesticity."
ITEM 2008.001 – available for viewing in the Research Centre
Videos, Artworks and Artists Cited
Doug Ischar
Deirdre Logue
Akram Zatari
Silvia Gruner