Asserting The Right To Sovereingty, Audio-Visually: RED EYE First Nations Short Film And Video
Fuse, Jan. 1 Winter, 2008, v. 31, no. 1, pp. 46-49
RED EYE is the curatorial project of Ryan Rice, which developed from his two-year aboriginal curatorial residency at Carleton University Art Gallery. The program features nineteen First Nations artists presenting twenty-eight works produced between 2000-2006. However, Rice was not simply interested in solely presenting a survey or media works, but wanted to represent artists whose experimentation within the medium also aimed to question, re-interpret and re-claim represenations of First Nations individuals , particularly pertaining to stereotypes reinforced through mainstream cinema. The works in the program are varied in production and approach, reflecting the diverse perspectives of the First Nations, but as a whole address ideas of identity and representation . Artists presented in the program include: Thirza Cuthand, Kent Monkman, Gisele Gordon, Dana Claxton, Shelly Niro, Daybi, Cynthia Lickers-Sage, Stephen Foster, Frank Shebagaget, Terrence Houle, Kessic Douglas, Sally Kewayosh, Ariel Lightnightchild and Darlene Naponse.
ITEM 2008.003 – available for viewing in the Research Centre
Videos, Artworks and Artists Cited
Group of Seven Inches – Kent Monkman
Squelch – Stephn Foster
Skin For Life – Terry Haines
Tree – Shelly Niro