Small Gauges for Small Cities: An Interview with Alex Rogalski
Splice Magazine, Summer 2007, p. 16
Alex Rogalski is a Toronto-based filmmaker, programmer and organizer who grew-up in Melville, Saskatchewan. Rogalski established the One Take Super 8 Event in 2000. The event is now internationally known and takes place in many cities across North America. Rogalski and the author discuss the success of the One Take Super 8 Events, Rogalski's films and the limitations of shooting and screening solely on Super 8.
ITEM 2007.084 – available for viewing in the Research Centre
Videos, Artworks and Artists Cited
East of Eden – Ken Wilson
Space Needles and Skylights – Alex Rogalski
Land of the Living Skies – Alex Rogalski
Near a Landmark and Other Passed Identities – Alex Rogalski