Intra Terrestrials
Possible Worlds, 2007, pp. 116-118
Norwich: Aurora, 2007
The works of the programme Intra Terrestrials question, reflect on and critique the ephemerality of life and the mediated "real" of the current world. These works do not take a united sentiment but address different experiences from many standpoints, some solemnly and others humourously. Artists discussed include: Solomon Nagler, Emily Vey Duke and Cooper Battersby, David Shrigley and Chris Shepherd, Cecelia Lundqvist, Andrew Kotting and Steve Reinke.
ITEM 2007.097 – available for viewing in the Research Centre
Videos, Artworks and Artists Cited
Perhaps/we – Solomon Nagler
Bad Ideas for Paradise – Emily Vey Duke and Cooper Battersby
Who I Am and What I Want – David Shrigley and Chris Shepherd
Finding the Right Moment – Cecelia Lundqvist
Offshore – Andrew Kotting
Gallivant – Andrew Kotting
Regarding the Pain of Susan Sontag (Notes on Camp) – Steve Reinke