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VTape, Sept. 21, 2007
Toronto: vtape, 2007
Jacob Korczynski meditates on the potential of animation in film and video with four pieces assembled for VTape's Curatorial Incubator. Korczynski asserts animation's potential as a malleable, "temporally mediated and process-based form." This is reflected in Adrele Lister's Hell, in which the physical world is mediated using then modern technology. From this springs the three contemporary works of video / animation, maintaining a comment on the fluidity of narrative in animation and its ability to "negotiate the transition of artist's video from personal narrative into public document."
ITEM 2007.102 – available for viewing in the Research Centre
Videos, Artworks and Artists Cited
Hell – Ardele Lister
Fiets (Bicycles) – Robert Hamilton
Damned and Forgiven – Andrew J Paterson
[/] – Jowita Jepa