Inuit Documentaries and Short Films Now Available
Native Journal, Sept. 2007, p. 30
Summary of resources available for viewing Inuit documentary and short film work. Igloolik Isuma Productions, having formed in 1990, now uses the internet to allow widespread access to their productions - documentary and short films focussing on Inuit culture made by Inuit people. Also provided is a curriculum for exploring Inuit culture over a series of videos and readers for younger students of English, French or Inuktitut background. Another course kit for older students is also available, as well as the Complete Isuma Films Collection and access to the Nunavut Independant Television Network. VTape and its partnership with the Aboriginal Film and Video Art Alliance are also noted as a valuable resource, housing the largest catalogue of First Nations independant video productions in the world.
ITEM 2007.104 – available for viewing in the Research Centre
Videos, Artworks and Artists Cited
Qaggiq – Igloolik Isuma Productions
Nunaqpa – Igloolik Isuma Productions
Atanarjuat – Igloolik Isuma Productions
The Journals of Knud Rasmussen – Igloolik Isuma Productions