Bug Eyed: Green Porno directed by Isabella Rossellini and Jody Shapiro
Border Crossings, Feb. 2008, v. 27, no. 105, pp. 26-27
The human interest in insects is at the heart of Robert Enright's article on the recent film of Isabella Rossallini entitled Green Porno. Rossallini's project is a series of eight shorts focusing on the sex lives of insects. Rossallini is both the creator and manifestation of the inscects. She also directed three of the shorts, and Jody Sahpiro directed the final five. The films were commissioned by the Sundance Channel. Each short is under two minutes and the viewer can expect to experience many buggy copulations, including sado-masochism, soixante-neuf and hermaphrodism.
ITEM 2008.032 – available for viewing in the Research Centre
Videos, Artworks and Artists Cited
Green Porno – Isabella Rossallini and Jody Shapiro
Firefly – Isabella Rossallini and Jody Shapiro
Spider – Isabella Rossallini and Jody Shapiro
Dragonfly – Isabella Rossallini and Jody Shapiro
Fly – Isabella Rossallini and Jody Shapiro
Bee – Isabella Rossallini and Jody Shapiro