Loving a Disappearing Image
Cinemas, Fall 1997, v. 8, no. 1-2, pp. 93-111
In this article the author discusses several experimental films and videos that explore the relation between erotic subject matter and the physical disintegration of the film or video. The author discussees how a viewer identifies with film as a dying image, and the psychoanalytic model of melancholia. Freud's approach is found to be unsatisfactory, so the author posits a model of devotional melancholia "for how one might love a disappearing image."
ITEM 1997.095 – available for viewing in the Research Centre
Videos, Artworks and Artists Cited
Frank's Cock – Mike Hoolboom
Letters from Home – Mike Hoolboom
The Hundred Videos – Steve Reinke
Everybody loves Nothing – Steve Reinke
De Profundis – Lawrence Brose
The Color of Love – Peggy Ahwesh