New Canadian Photography
Parachute, Winter 1982, no. 29
Jayce Salloum's exhibition New Canadian Photography is highly criticized by Jeanne Randolph not only for the work selected but the curatorial process itself. Salloum claims that he chose the works that represented 'the directions which [he] found most relevant to contemporary culture' and 'borrow from the avant-garde movements of the past as well as with contemporary art'. Randolph insists that the works merely conform to these genres of the past by copying and show no reworking or covering of new ground.
ITEM 1982.058 – available for viewing in the Research Centre
Videos, Artworks and Artists Cited
Terry Ewasiuk
Peter MacKendrick
Chris Gallagher
Francis Coutellier
Serge Morin
Robert Heinecken
Family Tree – David Buchan
Family Tree – George Whiteside
Margaret Belisle
John Hall
Linda Duvall
Lorraine Gilbert
Alison Rossiter
Angelika Wanke
Shelagh Alexander
In Trouble – Eldon Garnet
Paranoid State – Joyan Saunderrs