Champ libre: De la technologie pauvre
Le Devoir, Sept. 24, 1997
This article criticizes Anick Saint-Louis' grouping of videos by Cuban artists on show at the 3rd Manifestation internationale Vidéo et Art électronque for its lack of organisation in regards to the symposia and lectures, lack of curatorial theme, and too broad of a range in regards to the choice of works.
ITEM 1997.109 – available for viewing in the Research Centre
Videos, Artworks and Artists Cited
Luisa Marisy
Raúl Cordero
Pavel Giroud
Rene Peña
Tania Bruguera
Raquel Iznaolo
Manuel Iglesias
Jesus Gonzalez
René Azcuy
Ernesto Fundora
Enrique Alvarez
Ordo Amoris