Decolonizing the Frame: Indigenous Video in the Andes
Framework, Spring 2003, v. 44, no. 1, p. 17
In a dynamic think piece, Freya Schiwy discusses how communities in the Andes are using video to decolonize indigenous self- perception as well as how they have been represented by the West. Indigenous filmmakers utilize the Western cinematic language as a tool to create more community oriented work, which valorizes indigenous social practices and systems of knowledge. Covering several important filmmakers and their continuing involvement with the community Schiwy explores how their work creates a parallel circuit to the commodification of 'multiculturalism' in the mass media.
ITEM 2003.109 – available for viewing in the Research Centre
Videos, Artworks and Artists Cited
El coraje del pueblo (Courage of the People) – Jorge Sanjines
Yawar malku (Blood of the Condor) – Jorge Sanjines
Ukamau – Jorge Sanjines
El oro maldito (Cursed Gold) – Marcelino Pinto (responsable)
Desempolvando nuestra historia (Dusting off our history) – Alfredo Copa (reponsable)
El espiritu de a selva (Spirit of the Forest) – Faustino Pena
Qulqi chaliku (The Silver Vest) – Patricio Luna (reponsable)
El oro maldito
Qati qati (Whispers of Death) – Reynalso Yujra (responsable)
El cazador (The Hunter) – Nicolais Ipamo (responsable)