Manuel Saiz interviewed
Parallel Universes, Jan. 2008, pp. 30-33
Cecilia Canziani interviews Manuel Saiz about his impulse towards the creation of his video artwork. Saiz explains that his binary views on socio-historical, economic and political elements conflicting with art, life and himself as subject pairs heavily inform his work, culminating in the "zero degree of parallelism" (30). Citing Richard Serra's Television Delivers People (1973) as a parallel reference to the institutional critique embedded in his work, Saiz explains how he asserts his personal artistic politics on authorship of digital media and creative economy through his multimedia art.
ITEM 2008.068 – available for viewing in the Research Centre
Videos, Artworks and Artists Cited
Narcissus – Manuel Saiz
Parallel Universes: Koan Pop – Manuel Saiz
Pride – Manuel Saiz
Infinity – Manuel Saiz
Duration Slice – Manuel Saiz
Parallel Universes meeting at Infinity – Manuel Saiz
Points of View – Manuel Saiz
Going Political – Manuel Saiz
Nominal Politics – Manuel Saiz