It's Evening in America: Video Drive In
Encontros Luso-Americanos De Arte Contemporanea / Portuguese-American Meetings on Contemporary Art, 1989, pp. 31,33,35,37
Lisboa: Fundacao Calouste Gulbenkian - Fundacao Luso-Americana Para O Desenvolvimento, 1989
Catalog Essay for the 1989 Exhibition It's Evening in America, a video exhibition mounted in Lisboa, Portugal just as Ronal Reagan was leaving office as President of the United States. Each artist in the exhibition responds to the Reagan Administration by subverting the technologies of the media around which Reagan built his campaigns. Dealing with issues of racial identity, sexual identity, personal history, and the examination of spectacle these artists reveal precisely that which the media occludes. The essay ends with a timely warning: "The homogeneity of the media has perpetuated the public's willing suspension of disbelief, and conversely serves as a motivation for artists to break this hypnotic state. If these endeavors prove successful however, there is always the danger that the message can be discarded and the look co-opted."
ITEM 1989.096 – available for viewing in the Research Centre
Videos, Artworks and Artists Cited
Things I Forgot to Tell Myself – Shelly Silver
Sightlines – Buchanan
The Touch – Nora Ligorano
The Touch – Marshall Reese
Free Society – Paul Garrin
Popular Thought – Terri Yarbrow
Cascade – MICA-TV
Charming Landscape – Dara Birnbaum
Colour Schemes – Shu Lea Cheung
Precious Products – George Kuchar
Mike – Michael Smith
They Are Lost to Vision Altogether – Tom Kalin