Barrow of Laughs: The' Peg's Daniel Barrow wants his tales to be intimate and interactive
NOW, Apr. 10, 2008, v. 27, no. 32, p. 78
Sumi reviews Barrow's work Every time I see your picture I cry as part of the 21st Images Festival. The work gleefully plays with notions of serial killers in horror films - one part of "Every Time", Sumi writes, is designed to parody a classic sequence from John Carpenter's horror classic Halloween. Other important work mentioned include a project in which Barrow's subject was the rebuilding an archive of old cable-access tapes after a corporate takeover of Winnipeg's local cable access station.
ITEM 2008.083 – available for viewing in the Research Centre
Videos, Artworks and Artists Cited
Every Time I see Your Picture I Cry – Daniel Barrow