Local Artist Featured at Images
The Parkdale Liberty Villager, Apr. 4, 2008
Hatfield reviews the 21st Images Festival - Canada's second oldest film festival showcases more than 130 work of media art, film, video screenings, performances, guided tours, receptions, artist talks and parties. The festival also features local artists such as Sara Angelucci with a work titled Room to Remember a video which explores time and memory as well as Andrea Cooper's Fickle as Posion which explores identity through a family narrative. The article also highlights other screenings of interest at the festival.
ITEM 2008.086 – available for viewing in the Research Centre
Videos, Artworks and Artists Cited
Room to Remember – Sara Angelucci
Fickle as Posion – Andrea Cooper
G.B. Jones
The Lollipop Generations – Nelson Henricks
B.H. Yael
Trading the Future