Me, You and Everyone We Know
torontoist, Mar. 15, 2008
A brief mention of exhibitions taking place in two of Toronto's Contemporary art galleries. The first, Decalage by Montreal-based artist Bettina Hoffman was featured in Prefix Institute of Contemporary Art. The work which features two screen on either side of the gallery room looping the same images while slightly out of sync. The second, Vivencia Poetica or Poetic Lived Experience is a collection of collaborations between establish and emerging artists. In A series of Minor Incidents by Diane Borsato and Stacey Sproule one sees a photo essay of slightly clumsy girls.
ITEM 2008.099 – available for viewing in the Research Centre
Videos, Artworks and Artists Cited
Decalage – Bettina Hoffman
Vicencia Poetica
A series of minor incidents – Diane Borsato
Stacey Sproule
ALMA: Anticipation, Transformation and Journey – Keith Jones
Diane Lopez Soto