Queers in the Streets Versus Queen's Park
Fuse, Summer 1995, v. 18, no. 4, pp. 40-41
This review profiles video maker Nancy Nicol and focuses on her piece Gay Pride and Prejudice, the first and so far only video (as of 1994) made about the 1994 struggles surrounding Bill 167 - the Equality Rights Statute Law Amendment Act. It is a two screen video installation that weaves a narrative by juxtaposing imagery from Ontario queer street celebrations and parlament, also making subtle references to Oscar Wilde.
ITEM 1995.013 – available for viewing in the Research Centre
Videos, Artworks and Artists Cited
Gay Pride and Prejudice – Nancy Nicol
A Choice for Irish Women – Nancy Nicol
The Struggle for Choice – Nancy Nicol
Working for Piecework Wages – Nancy Nicol