Homemade Porn: Do it yourself
Broken Pencil, Winter 2005, no. 29, pp. 76-78
Feesey’s article addresses problems of commercial pornography and modes of free sexual expression that are working to combat it. Specifically, the East Van Porn Collective, that creates sex tapes in an effort to reclaim sexuality and insert real people and real sex into the glossy world of porn. Feesey’s article describes the East Van Porn Collective’s film, Made in Secret, and provides examples of forms of free sexual such as: web journals and reality TV shows. Feesey also lists expert pointers on creating porn, and festivals in which one can submit their work.
ITEM 2005.137 – available for viewing in the Research Centre
Videos, Artworks and Artists Cited
Made in Secret – The East Van Porn Collective
Byke Sexual – JD Superstar