Ann Regitze Wivel
The Documentary Makers: Interviews With the Best in the Business, 2003
Mies: Roto Vision, 2003
This article is a first-person reflection on the life and work of Anne Regitze Wivel, a Danish documentary filmmaker. Wivel offers details about her family life, education, emergence as a filmmaker, influences, and accomplishments. Discussion of Wivel’s mature work provides insight into her personal approaches to film making. The article includes production stills from her film Greenland.
ITEM 2003.115 – available for viewing in the Research Centre
Videos, Artworks and Artists Cited
Greenland – Anne Regitze Wivel
David and Goliath – Anne Regitze Wivel
Giselle – Anne Regitze Wivel
The Castle in Italy – Anne Regitze Wivel