The Enchantments of Richard Fung's Unsettling Landscapes: (after JW Turner)
Richard Fung: Landscapes, 2008, pp. 15-20
Hamilton: McMaster Museum of Art, 2008
Richard Fung's Landscapes is an exhibition at the McMaster Museum of Art in Hamilton. The piece is a multi-channel video tribute to J.M.W Turner's famous pictorial landscapes. Turner's work is considered to be the birth of modern art. Fung, inspired by Turner, created his works as video collages that combine historical paintings and prints with video images from the local Ontario landscapes. In the article Gagnon compares the transformation of art in the 19th century to the evolution of video. She describing Fung's Landscapes as "temporal collages" for their incorporation of historical paintings, prints and contemporary landscapes.
ITEM 2008.122 – available for viewing in the Research Centre
Videos, Artworks and Artists Cited
Landscapes – Richard Fung
River Hung – William Turner
Scarborough – William Turner
Aurundel Castle – William Turner